「Satoshi Client Block Exchange」を編集中

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ローカル受信バッファがいっぱいになる可能性があります。 ローカルノードが受信バッファがいっぱいであることに気付くと、そのノード接続は切断されます。[18] fDisconnectフラグをセットすると、バッファが空になったら[19]、ソケットは閉じます。
ローカル受信バッファがいっぱいになる可能性があります。 ローカルノードが受信バッファがいっぱいであることに気付くと、そのノード接続は切断されます。[18] fDisconnectフラグをセットすると、バッファが空になったら[19]、ソケットは閉じます。
==パフォーマンス ==
== Performance ==
As of September 1, 2011, on a server class computer circa 2005 running
Ubuntu with a Comcast cable internet connection takes over 10 hours
to download and process the block chain. While it is debatable what
the bottleneck is early in the download process, it is clear from
the processing of recent blocks that the network is not the bottleneck
for all but the slowest internet connections.
Blocks are taking over a second, on average, to process once downloaded.[20]
However, the average size of a block is only around 24 kilobytes
in August 2011. It certainly does not take 1 second to download 24K.
Also, testing reveals very large queues of blocks being processed per
message loop, which is not what you would expect if the thread was
pulling them out of the queue as they arrive on the sockets.  
There are a number of "false signals" that lead one to believe the problem
is with network performance. The first false signal is that, as of
August 2011, nearly all of the first 60 or 70% of  blocks downloaded are
very small. Recent average block sizes are around one hundred times bigger!
So, almost all of a sudden, the block rate goes from very fast to very slow.
It looks like something went wrong. In reality, if you measure the rate
of block processing by kilobyte, the rate remains relatively constant.
もう1つの誤った信号は、ノードごとに1つずつメッセージキューが完了するまで処理されるという事実に関連しています。これは、他のノードからのメッセージの大きなバックアップをもたらす可能性があります。したがって、他のノードがサービスされるにつれて、長期間にわたるブロックの増加が長時間にわたってフリーズする可能性があります。ブロックダウンロードは、通常、1つのリモートノードから(少なくとも、鉱山者または他の中継またはダウンロードノードが遅延ブロックを宣伝してプロセスを中断するまで)、すべての作業が1つのノード上にあることを考えてください。ノードからブロックを処理することが速くなり、 "addr"メッセージが他のノードから処理され、他の作業が完了すると停止するように見えます。しかし何かが間違っているように見えます。
Another false signal is related to the fact that message queues are
processed to completion, one at a time per node. This can result in big
backups of messages from other nodes. So, a long period of increasing
blocks may freeze for long periods as other nodes are serviced. Consider
that block downloads typically come from just one remote node (at
least until a miner or other relaying or downloading node advertises
a late block and disrupts the process) and so all the work might
be on one node. Things go fast processing the blocks from a node,
and then that looks like it stops as "addr" messages are processed from
other nodes and other work is done. But it looks like something is wrong.
Also, the orphaning effects described above can lead to excessive block
processing with nothing to show for it until the orphan chain is connected.
Also, you do ocassionally run into a node that is slow to respond, perhaps
because they are also processing blocks or because they have a slow machine
or connection.
All of the above contributes to heavy "jitter" in the block download process,
and that is a more frustrating user experience than a constant download rate.

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