「Low-density parity-check code」を編集中

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As with other codes, the [[maximum likelihood decoding]] of an LDPC code on the [[binary symmetric channel]] is an [[NP-complete]] problem. Performing optimal decoding for a NP-complete code of any useful size is not practical.
しかしながら、反復的な[信念伝搬]復号に基づく準最適技術は、優れた結果をもたらし、実際に実施することができる。準最適復号化技法は、LDPCを構成する各パリティ検査を独立した単一パリティ検査(SPC)符号として見る。各SPCコードは、[[Soft output Viterbi algorithm | SOVA]]、[[BCJR algorithm | BCJR]]などの[[Soft-in soft-out decoder | soft-in-soft-out]](SISO) ][最大事後推定| MAP]]、およびそれらの他の派生物。各SISO復号化からの軟判定情報は、同じ情報ビットの他の冗長なSPC復号化と相互チェックされ更新される。その後、各SPCコードは、更新された軟判定情報を用いて再び復号される。このプロセスは、有効なコードワードが達成されるか、または復号化が完了するまで反復される。この種の復号化は、しばしば和 - 積復号と呼ばれる。
However, sub-optimal techniques based on iterative [[belief propagation]] decoding give excellent results and can be practically implemented. The sub-optimal decoding techniques view each parity check that makes up the LDPC as an independent single parity check (SPC) code. Each SPC code is decoded separately using [[Soft-in soft-out decoder|soft-in-soft-out]] (SISO) techniques such as [[Soft output Viterbi algorithm|SOVA]], [[BCJR algorithm|BCJR]], [[Maximum a posteriori estimation|MAP]], and other derivates thereof. The soft decision information from each SISO decoding is cross-checked and updated with other redundant SPC decodings of the same information bit. Each SPC code is then decoded again using the updated soft decision information. This process is iterated until a valid code word is achieved or decoding is exhausted. This type of decoding is often referred to as sum-product decoding.
The decoding of the SPC codes is often referred to as the "check node" processing, and the cross-checking of the variables is often referred to as the "variable-node" processing.
In a practical LDPC decoder implementation, sets of SPC codes are decoded in parallel to increase throughput.
In contrast, belief propagation on the [[binary erasure channel]] is particularly simple where it consists of iterative constraint satisfaction.
For example, consider that the valid codeword, 101011, from the example above, is transmitted across a binary erasure channel and received with the first and fourth bit erased to yield ?⁠01?⁠11. Since the transmitted message must have satisfied the code constraints, the message can be represented by writing the received message on the top of the factor graph.
In this example, the first bit cannot yet be recovered, because all of the constraints connected to it have more than one unknown bit. In order to proceed with decoding the message, constraints connecting to only one of the erased bits must be identified. In this example, only the second constraint suffices. Examining the second constraint, the fourth bit must have been zero, since only a zero in that position would satisfy the constraint.
This procedure is then iterated. The new value for the fourth bit can now be used in conjunction with the first constraint to recover the first bit as seen below. This means that the first bit must be a one to satisfy the leftmost constraint.
[[画像:ldpcコードフラグメントファクタグラフw消滅デコードステップ2.svg |なし]]
[[Image:ldpc code fragment factor graph w erasures decode step 2.svg|none]]
Thus, the message can be decoded iteratively. For other channel models, the messages passed between the variable nodes and check nodes are [[real number]]s, which express probabilities and likelihoods of belief.
この結果は、訂正されたコードワード '' 'r' ''にパリティ検査行列 '' 'H' ''を掛けて検証することができる。
This result can be validated by multiplying the corrected codeword '''r''' by the parity-check matrix '''H''':
:<math> \ mathbf {z} = \ mathbf {Hr}
:&lt;math&gt;\mathbf{z} = \mathbf{Hr}
\ begin {pmatrix}
1&1&1&1 &&
1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\
1&0&0&1&1 &&
1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\
\ end {pmatrix}
\ begin {pmatrix}
1 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 1 \\
1 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 1 \\
\ end {pmatrix}
\ begin {pmatrix}
0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\
0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\
\ end {pmatrix}
&lt; / math&gt;
この操作の結果 '' 'z' ''[Decoding methods#Syndrome decoding | syndrome])は3回であるため、 1つのゼロベクトル、得られたコードワード '' 'r' ''は首尾よく検証される。
Because the outcome '''z''' (the [[Decoding methods#Syndrome decoding|syndrome]]) of this operation is the three &times; one zero vector, the resulting codeword '''r''' is successfully validated.
After the decoding is completed, the original message bits '101' can be extracted by looking at the first 3 bits of the codeword.
While illustrative, this erasure example does not show the use of soft-decision decoding or soft-decision message passing, which is used in virtually all commercial LDPC decoders.
=== Updating node information ===
近年、可変ノードおよび制約ノード更新のための代替スケジュールの影響を研究するために多大な労力が費やされています。 LDPC符号を復号するために使用された元の技術は、「フラッディング」として知られていました。このタイプの更新では、変数ノードを更新する前に、すべての制約ノードを更新する必要があり、その逆も必要でした。後のVila Casadoらの研究では、可変ノードが最新の利用可能なチェックノード情報で更新される代替的な更新技術が研究された。
In recent years, there has also been a great deal of work spent studying the effects of alternative schedules for variable-node and constraint-node update. The original technique that was used for decoding LDPC codes was known as ''flooding''. This type of update required that, before updating a variable node, all constraint nodes needed to be updated and vice versa. In later work by Vila Casado ''et al.'', alternative update techniques were studied, in which variable nodes are updated with the newest available check-node information.
これらのアルゴリズムの背後にある直感は、値が最も変化する可変ノードが最初に更新する必要があるノードであることです。 [対数尤度比](LLR)の大きさが大きく、ある更新から次の更新まで大きく変化しない高信頼性ノードは、符号および大きさがより広く変動する他のノードと同じ頻度で更新を必要としない。
The intuition behind these algorithms is that variable nodes whose values vary the most are the ones that need to be updated first. Highly reliable nodes, whose [[log-likelihood ratio]] (LLR) magnitude is large and does not change significantly from one update to the next, do not require updates with the same frequency as other nodes, whose sign and magnitude fluctuate more widely.
These scheduling algorithms show greater speed of convergence and lower error floors than those that use flooding. These lower error floors are achieved by the ability of the Informed Dynamic Scheduling (IDS)
非フロイドスケジューリングアルゴリズムが使用される場合、反復の代替定義が使用される。レート '' k '' / '' n ''のLDPC符号( '' n ''、&nbsp; '' k '')に対して、 '' n ''変数と ' 'n' '&nbsp;&nbsp;' 'k' '制約ノードは更新された順序に関係なく更新されました。
When nonflooding scheduling algorithms are used, an alternative definition of iteration is used. For an (''n'',&nbsp;''k'') LDPC code of rate ''k''/''n'', a full ''iteration'' occurs when ''n'' variable and ''n''&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;''k'' constraint nodes have been updated, no matter the order in which they were updated.
=== Lookup table decoding ===
It is possible to decode LDPC codes on a relatively low-power microprocessor by the use of [[lookup table]]s.
While codes such as the LDPC are generally implemented on high-power processors, with long block lengths, there are also applications which use lower-power processors and short block lengths (1024).
したがって、所定の入力ビットに基づいて出力ビットを事前計算することが可能である。 'n'個のエントリ(ブロック長1024ビット、これは1024ビット長)を含むテーブルが生成され、さまざまな入力状態(エラーとノン・エラーの両方)のすべての可能なエントリが含まれます。
Therefore, it is possible to precalculate the output bit based upon predetermined input bits. A table is generated which contains ''n'' entries (for a block length of 1024 bits, this would be 1024 bits long), and contains all possible entries for different input states (both errored and nonerrored).
As a bit is input, it is then added to a FIFO register, and the value of the FIFO register is then used to look up in the table the relevant output from the precalculated values.
この方法では、プロセッサのオーバーヘッドがほとんどなく、ルックアップテーブル用のメモリのコストが僅かで、4.0&nbsp; PICチップでもLDPCデコードが可能な非常に高い反復を使用できます。
By this method, very high iterations can be used, with little processor overhead, the only cost being that of the memory for the lookup table, such that LDPC decoding is possible even on a 4.0&nbsp;MHz PIC chip.

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