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=== Opendime: Bitcoinクレジット・スティック ===
=== Opendime: Bitcoin Credit Stick ===
[[file:Opendime.jpeg|400px|thumb|left|Opendime パッケージ]]
[[file:Opendime.jpeg|400px|thumb|left|Opendime Package]]
最初のBitcoinベアラボンドまたは、単にそれを "Bitcoin Stick"
The 1st Bitcoin Bearer Bond or just call it a "Bitcoin Stick"  
Opendime is a small USB stick that allows you to spend Bitcoin like a dollar bill. Pass it along multiple times.
Connect to any USB to check balance. Unseal anytime to spend online. Trust no one.
それはミニUSBの形をしていて、それをセットアップするのはすばらしく簡単です]。 OpenDimeをUSBポートに接続すると、ちょっとした容量のUSBドライブと同じように動作します。そのフォルダには、Webページです。ブラウザーでWebページを開き、「ドライブにファイルをドロップする」という指示が1つだけあります。これを行うと、OpenDimeは自動的にBitcoinを受け取るための一意のアドレスを生成します。
It comes in the shape of a mini USB, and [[Opendime-ui.png|setting it up is astonishingly quick and simple]]. You plug OpenDime into a USB port, and it behaves just like a USB drive with a tiny amount of storage. In its folder, is a web page. You open the webpage in your browser, and there’s only one instruction to follow: “Drop a file onto the drive”. Once you do that, the OpenDime automagically generates a unique address for you to receive Bitcoin with.
[http://www.opendime.com Opendime.com]
[http://www.opendime.com Opendime.com]
* [https://opendime.com/#faq Opendime FAQ]
* [https://opendime.com/#faq Opendime FAQ]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UFF9d3Y1BY動画はこちら]
* You can watch a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UFF9d3Y1BY video here]
*これを読む[https://medium.com/@beautyon_/exquisite-opendime-ad1195a2790e review]
* Read this [https://medium.com/@beautyon_/exquisite-opendime-ad1195a2790e review]
* Multi-language user interface: 中文 • 日本語 • English • Portuguese • Français • Deutsch • Русский
* Works as USB drive with no need for software
* [https://github.com/opendime/electrum Opendime Electrum plugin]
* [https://github.com/opendime/electrum Opendime Electrum plugin]
* [https://github.com/opendime/ Opendimeソースファイルとキー確認]
* [https://github.com/opendime/ Opendime source files and key verification]
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