「Hardware wallet」を編集中

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===Ledger HW.1 USBスマートカードハードウェアウォレット===
=== Ledger HW.1 - USB Smartcard Hardware Wallet ===
[[File:Btchip_dongle.jpg|220px|thumb|left|HW.1 inserted in a laptop]]
HW.1は、USBスマートカード上の確定的な([BIP 0032]))ハードウェアウォレットの実装です。
HW.1 is an implementation of a deterministic ([[BIP 0032]]) Hardware Wallet on a USB smartcard.
It is typically used as a blind secure device for multi signature transactions - holding a set of derived private keys and signing transactions without requiring user confirmation.
Power users can rely on it to confirm all transactions with a second factor scheme turning the dongle into a keyboard typing what the user is supposed to have signed, as a protection against malware.
It is also possible to customize HW.1 for more specific needs, such as creating a prepaid card without revealing the deterministic seed before it is received by the user, or securing bitcoin transactions on a server.
[https://www.ledgerwallet.com/products/3-ledger-hw-1 E-shop] | [https://ledgerhq.github.io/btchip-doc/bitcoin-technical.html技術文書]
[https://www.ledgerwallet.com/products/3-ledger-hw-1 E-shop] | [https://ledgerhq.github.io/btchip-doc/bitcoin-technical.html Technical Documentation]
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