「Hardware wallet」を編集中

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44行目: 44行目:
=== [[TREZOR]] The Bitcoin Safe ===
=== [[TREZOR]] The Bitcoin Safe ===
[[File:Trezor-tx.jpg|300px|thumb|left|Confirming the transaction with TREZOR]]
[[TREZOR]] is a secure bitcoin storage and a transaction signing tool. The private keys are generated by the device and never leave it thus they cannot be accessed by a malware.
決定的な財布構造を使用しています。これは、無制限の数の鍵([[BIP 0032]] / [[BIP 0044]])を保持できることを意味します。回復シードは、デバイスの初期化時に生成されます。 TREZORが紛失または盗難に遭った場合、この種子(秘密鍵、ビットコイン残高、取引履歴)を新しいデバイスまたは別の[BIP 0039] / [[BIP 0044]]互換性のあるウォレットに復元することができます。
It uses a deterministic wallet structure which means it can hold an unlimited number of keys ([[BIP 0032]]/[[BIP 0044]]). A recovery seed is generated when the device is initialized. In case TREZOR gets lost or stolen, all its contents can be recovered using this seed (private keys, bitcoin balance and transaction history) into a new device or another [[BIP 0039]]/[[BIP 0044]] compatible wallet.
TREZOR also introduced a unique way of PIN entering preventing keyloggers from recording it even when entered on a compromised computer. An encryption passphrase can be set on top of the PIN protection. More passphrases can be used for plausible deniability.
[https://BuyTrezor.com E-shop BuyTrezor.com] | [https://doc.satoshilabs.com/ TREZOR Documentation] | [https://bitcointrezor.com BitcoinTrezor.com]
[https://BuyTrezor.com E-shop BuyTrezor.com] | [https://doc.satoshilabs.com/ TREZOR Documentation] | [https://bitcointrezor.com BitcoinTrezor.com]

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