Bitcoin Argentina

提供: tezos-wiki
2012年12月4日 (火) 06:34時点におけるBattox (トーク)による版
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Información en Español

Bitcoin Argentina is a bilingual mailing list managed by Eudemocracia where members can make buying or selling offers to exchange bitcoins between them.

To join the community


  • ¡There aren't! Donations accepted.


  • Cash.
  • Bank transfer.

About Eudemocracia

Eudemocracia is a non-profit organization that promotes the improvement of democracy through the research, development and implementation of internet-based tools that enable the members of a community to participate directly and continuously in its governance.

This initiative is part of our social sustainable entrepreneurship program.


  • Web: Spanish | English
  • Mail: contacto(at)eudemocracia(dot)org
  • Mobile: (+549) 11 3358 5694
  • Address: Monroe 1395 2º C (C1428BKM), Buenos Aires, Argentina