
提供: tezos-wiki
2018年1月27日 (土) 03:52時点におけるBelcher (トーク)による版
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Bech32 is a segwit address format specified by BIP 0173. While this address format has been included in some implementations, as of December 2017, the address format is not recommended for use until more software supports the format.

Examples of the address format being used on mainnet are the TXIDs 4ef47f6eb681d5d9fa2f7e16336cd629303c635e8da51e425b76088be9c8744c and 514a33f1d46179b89e1fea7bbb07b682ab14083a276979f91038369d1a8d689b. And addresses bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq and bc1qc7slrfxkknqcq2jevvvkdgvrt8080852dfjewde450xdlk4ugp7szw5tk9.

See Also