
提供: tezos-wiki
2018年4月30日 (月) 20:59時点におけるAdmin (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「 ----- Command Line Interface ********************** This document is a prettier output of the documentation produced by the command line client's <code>man</code> comm...」)
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Command Line Interface **********************

This document is a prettier output of the documentation produced by the command line client's man command. You can obtain similar pages using the following shell commands.

tezos-client -protocol ProtoALphaALph man -verbosity 3 tezos-admin-client man -verbosity 3

Command line client

.. _tezos_client_commands:

.. raw:: html :file: tezos-client.html

Administration command line client

.. _tezos_admin_client_commands:

.. raw:: html :file: tezos-admin-client.html