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.. _alphanet:

Participating in the Alphanet

Welcome to the Tezos alphanet, which is a pre-release network for the Tezos blockchain. Currently, the chain is reset every few weeks.

For news and support about the alphanet, please join IRC (#tezos on freenode). Please, report bugs related to the alphanet on the IRC channel before filling Github issues.

For more information about the project in general, see:


How to join the alphanet ?

We provide two ways of joining the alphanet :

  • use docker and prebuilt binaries (recommended way, tested on windows/mac/linux)
  • manual compilation and installation (linux and mac only)

The alphanet.sh script ~~~~

The recommended way for running an up-to-date Tezos node connected to the alphanet is to use scripts/alphanet.sh. Its only requirement is a working installation of Docker <https://www.docker.com/>_.

First, you need to download the script:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tezos/tezos/alphanet/scripts/alphanet.sh
chmod +x alphanet.sh

You are now one step away from a working node:

./alphanet.sh start

This will launch a docker container running the various daemons that form a working tezos node. The first launch might take a few minutes to synchronize the chain.

On first launch the script will also create a cryptographic identity (nicknamed my_identity) and provide you with free tezzies on a fresh account (nicknamed my_account). You might check your balance with:

./alphanet.sh client get balance for my_account

On some circumstances the account creation might fail. If so, see section “Known issues” below on how to force the account creation.

See ./alphanet.sh --help for more informations about the script. In particular see ./alphanet.sh client --help and scripts/README.master for more information about the client.

Every call to alphanet.sh will check for updates of the node and will fail if your node is not up-to-date. For updating the node, simply run:

./alphanet.sh restart

If you prefer to temporarily disable automatic updates, you just have to set an environment variable:


Compilation from sources ~~

The alphanet branch in the tezos git repository will always contain the up-to-date sources of the tezos-node required for running the alphanet. See docs/README.master on how to compile it.

Once built, you might launch the a node by running:

./tezos-node identity generate 24.
./tezos-node run --rpc-addr localhost

By default this instance will store its data in $HOME/.tezos-node and will listen to incoming peers on port 9732. It will also listen to RPC requests on port 8732 (only from localhost). You might find more options by running ./tezos-node config --help.

If you want to stake (see below for more details), you will also have to run:

./tezos-client launch daemon

That’s all. For the rest of the document, to execute the example commands, you will have to replace ./alphanet.sh client by ./tezos-client.

How to observe the network ?

The alphanet script provides a basic command ./alphanet.sh head that allows you to see if your own node is synchronized.

The Tezos client also offers a lot of commands to introspect the state of the node, and also to list and call the RPCs of the nodes.

Enthusiastic Tezos adopter fredcy has also developed a nice block explorer for the alphanet. See https://github.com/fredcy/tezos-client.

In an upcoming version, we will also provide an opt-in tool for node runners that will allow us to provide a global monitoring panel of the alphanet.

How to obtain free Tez from the faucet contract ?

The alphanet contains an ad-hoc faucet contract, that will generate new tezzies for you to test. Obviously, this contract will not be available outside of the test network.

First, if you don’t have any cryptographic identity yet, you need to generate one (replace my_identity with any name that suits you best):

./alphanet.sh client gen keys "my_identity"

Then, you have to generate a new “free” account (replace my_account with any name that suits you best and my_identity by the name used in the previous command):

./alphanet.sh client originate free account "my_account" for "my_identity"

That’s all. You might check your balance:

./alphanet.sh client get balance for "my_account"

If you want MORE tezzies, you need to generate as many free accounts as you need (you should receive ?100.000 per account) and then transfer the tezzies into a single account. For instance:

./alphanet.sh client originate free account "my_alt_account" for "my_identity"
./alphanet.sh client transfer 100,000.00 from "my_alt_account" to "my_account" -fee 0.00
./alphanet.sh client forget contract "my_alt_account"

Note that the test network is kind enough to accept transactions without fees…

How to play with smart-contracts ?

An advanced documentation of the smart contract language is in


Some test contracts are in


For details and examples, see:


How to stake on the alphanet ?

By default, the faucet of the alphanet (the one behind ./alphanet.sh originate free account "my_account" for "my_identity") creates contracts which are managed by my_identity but whose staking rights are delegated to the baker of the block including the origination. That way we are sure that staking rights are attributed to an active baker.

But, nonetheless, you might claim your staking rights!

The following command returns the current delegate of a contract:

./alphanet.sh client get delegate for "my_account"

If it is one the following, it is indeed one of our “bootstrap” contracts!

  • tz1YLtLqD1fWHthSVHPD116oYvsd4PTAHUoc
  • tz1irovm9SKduvL3npv8kDM54PSWY5VJXoyz
  • tz1UsgSSdRwwhYrqq7iVp2jMbYvNsGbWTozp
  • tz1TwYbKYYJxw7AyubY4A9BUm2BMCPq7moaC
  • tz1QWft73Zhj5VSA1sCuEi9HhDDJqywE6BtC

You might change the delegate of a contract with a single command:

./alphanet.sh client set delegate for "my_account" to "my_identity"

You now have staking rights!

Well, almost.

You should wait.

A little bit.

At most two cycles. Which, on the alphanet is 128 blocks (something around 2 hours). On the mainnet, this will be between 2 weeks and a month.

But, to enforce your right a last step is required. When baking or endorsing a block, a bond is taken out of the default account associated to the public key of the delegate. Hence, in order to stake, you must be provisioning for bond deposit.

./alphanet.sh client transfer 50,000.00 from "my_account" to "my_identity"

On the alphanet, a bond is ?1000. Hence, with the previous command you provisioned 50 bonds. If you want more, see section “How to obtain free Tez from the faucet contract ?”.

Now, you are settled. The alphanet docker image runs a baker daemon and a endorser daemon, by default for all your keys.

To know if you staked, just run:

./alphanet.sh baker log
./alphanet.sh endorser log

You should see lines such as:

Injected block BLxzbB7PBW1axq for bootstrap5 after BLSrg4dXzL2aqq  (level 1381, slot 0, fitness 00::0000000000005441, operations 21)


Injected endorsement for block 'BLSrg4dXzL2aqq'  (level 1381, slot 3, contract bootstrap5) 'oo524wKiEWBoPD'

On the alphanet, rewards for staking are credited after 24 hours. The reward for baking or endorsing a block is ?150. The safety bond is returned together with the reward.

To know when you will be allowed to stake in the current cycle, you might try the following RPCs, where you replaced tz1iFY8ads... by the appropriate value:

$ ./alphanet.sh client list known identities
my_identity: tz1iFY8aDskx9QGbgBy68SNAGgkc7AE2iG9H (public key known) (secret key known)
$ ./alphanet.sh client rpc call /blocks/head/proto/helpers/rights/baking/delegate/tz1iFY8aDskx9QGbgBy68SNAGgkc7AE2iG9H with '{}'
{ "ok":
    [ { "level": 1400.000000, "priority": 2.000000,
        "timestamp": "2017-05-19T03:21:52Z" },
      ...  ] }

Known issues

Missing account my_account ~~

The chain synchronization has not been optimized yet and the alphanet.sh script might mis-detect the end of the synchronization step. If so, it will try to create your free account in an outdated context and your new account will never be included in the chain.

To fix this, just wait for your node to be synchronized: for that run the following command, in the middle of a (raw) json object, it should display the date of the last block (which should not be too far in the past):

./alphanet.sh head

Please note that the printed date is GMT, don’t forget the time shift.

Then, you need to remove from the client state the non-existent contract and regenerate a new one:

./alphanet.sh client forget contract "my_account"
./alphanet.sh client originate free account "my_account" for "my_identity"